fredag 13 juli 2012

d.apollo intervju

Här kommer några delar av en intervju med d.apollo proffskommentator inom StarCraft2

Quantic Gaming: Hi Shaun, thanks for sitting down with us. Tell us a little about yourself. Where are you from, and where are you living now?
"Hello! I am Shaun “Apollo” Clark, I am 22 years old from Shropshire, England! I am currently living in Stockholm, Sweden where I work full time in eSports as a professional commentator/coach/streamer.

When and why did you make the decision to transition from being a player to being a coach and commentator?
"As I left Korea, I wanted to return back to Korea to live again with Tasteless and Artosis and I didn't know how. Tasteless pushed me to start commentating and try it out and he knew that GSL would be happening in the future and that if I was good enough I could return to work with him. My first tournament was 2010 IEM with Day[9] where I had applied and was accepted. I loved every minute of it and it was a great experience which kept me wanting more and more. I wanted to improve and give a better performance the next time I was given the opportunity to cast and this continues to this day where every event I want a better, cleaner cast."


Läs hela intervjun genom att klicka på länken nedan.

SolHusLanet 2012 dag 1

Det är strax efter lunch och det är lugnet före stormen. Jag, storingen och Xpoon sitter och dödar tid framför våra datorer. Frun sover lite och likaså minstingen.

Om några timmar kommer det vara fullt hus och varmt i vårt lilla hus. Men så ska det vara på lan.